19 1/2 weeks...

My ultrasound today was absolutely COOL. 4D - in colour too!

So in about 137 days... Danika Anne Lenore shall be screaming into the world.

They made a cd for us, however, I have to go back as she was not co operating and they weren't able to get all the measurements they wanted, so I will pick it up then and post some pictures of her.

Comments on a postcard please

Comments aren't neccessary for this drivel, I just need to vent. Please no I told you so's either.

After being on ignore last weekend with Devin, I knew something was up. His phone was disconnected at some point during the week when I did call to remind him of my ultrasound on Monday. So I left the message with his sister to remind him.

He calls Friday and leaves 'You're not on ignore, it has nothing to do with you, I'm out tonight but we'll talk this weekend, good to go for Monday."

I call him back today and say "what are you up to today?" He says he is going to a party tonight, I ask if I can go with him, he says no. I said "What is her name? I'm not stupid you know." He refuses to tell me, we get into a debate about me needing some ME time with him. We had sort of agreed to me seeing him tomorrow instead. I called back and asked hey, I really have had a shitty week, I would really appreciate if you cancelled your plans for tonight as I need some me time. He refused.

We got into a HUGE fight. He called me selfish and I said I was being selfish but this wasn't about me, him, his dick or his social life, this was about our baby. He got mad and said to never throw that in his face again. I said "You told me to tell you what I need, I am telling you what I need. I need your support, I need you. Now. Not tomorrow. Now. I have needed you for over a week now and you have been completely inaccessible. There is no room for 3 in this."
He says there is in his life, I said bullshit. If there was, we wouldn't be fighting right now and he'd have agreed to see me before we got into a screaming match.
He hung up on me a couple of times and I guess he stormed out of his house.
I went over, removed everything that is mine...everything. And left.
I am done done done. I left a voice mail saying that I refuse to be number two and that there is no room for 3 in this and that he has obviously made his choice and to get his priorities straight. Until then, I am gone.

We'll see what happens from there. Wonder what can happen tomorrow to make this better.

The week from hell (except for Tuesday)

Monday started just like any other Monday... blah. The road construction in and out of my neighbourhood has me COMPLETELY blocked in - there is not one way out of here to work that is not a mess. It stresses me out every day. On my way home from work, I checked my voice mail at home... 3 messages from my doctor's office, including one from my doctor himself. "Hi, its Lindsay calling from Dr X's office, we have a prescription to call in for you, please call us back to let us know where you want it called into." "Hi, its Sharon calling from Dr X's office, he would like to see you, please give us a call." "Hi, its Dr X calling, can you please call the office."

OK - so I panic a little. So I drive by the office on my way home... they are JUST leaving...so much for finding out what the hell is going on tonight. And I'm going to Vancouver Tuesday and I am not changing my plans. Mom offers to call to tell them to put the scrip to the Shopper's next door and she was going to at least see if they would tell her if I needed to call from Vancouver or if I was ok to wait til Wednesday.

I pull into my street with Scott standing outside trying to put vapour barrier over his car, three cars outside with their headlights on, neighbours everywhere on the street and I figure someone has hit his car when it was parked or something. I roll down my window and say "What happened?!?" he says "Park, the guy is here."
What guy I'm thinking, but ok...
I get out and ask what happened, Scott says "The guy with the papers is here."
"The guy that hit you?" "No," Scott says, "The guy with the papers."

"HUH? The newspaper guy threw a paper through the window?"
"NO! To serve you!"
"Kristin?" says offical looking man.
"I have some legal papers for you."
And off offical looking man goes.
"Ok, so what happened to your car!" I ask again.
"A semi threw a rock up and it smashed the window on Deerfoot."
"Oh... you ok?"
"Yep, just left a bit of a stain on the BVDs"

So Monday just sucked.

Tuesday rocked... see below.

Wednesday I phone Dr X as mom called the office and they said it could wait til today. "Oh absolutely he wants to see you." So I will try and get in after the errands I had to do and lunch with mom. I had lunch with my mother and we've decided that we had best get our shit together and we're going to get our business started so that come the time I am on mat leave that I can run it full time from home.
I also figure that I had best remind Devin about my ultrasound on Monday... His phone has been disconnected. (btw to catch you up, he has had me on ignore for about a week now so it was news to me that it was disco'd)
So Wednesday afternoon, I go see the doctor.
"What can I do for you today?" asks Dr X.
"You wanted to see me."
"No I didn't"
"You called me"
"No I didn't"
"Ok, I might be pregnant and slightly dillusional, but I didn't imagine 3 messages from this office."
"We just wanted to just tell you that you had a bladder infection, take the drugs."
OOOOOk.... so we created this panic for this?!

Wed night... drug taking numero uno... holy bejeebus, Im done
Thurs breakfast drug taking numero deux... worse than done
lunch time... fuck me, I dont want this med anymore
So I went back to Dr X and said Ummmmmmmmm can we do something about this pleaseeeeese. So he has given me a new med diff dosage.. see how that goes. BLARGH
And it is only Thursday.


I've driven through Van a few times on my way to Seattle or to the island, but I can honestly say I have not stopped and gone shopping or anything... so Penny and Mossy being there was a perfect excuse. Whilst I found some fantastic things, the inability to pack them appropriately to take home (sharp objects n all), Penny did the shopping. :-)

After a leisurely breakfast of grease, vegetables, eggs and grease, we wandered around down a rather large hill that we both looked at rather pensively and said "Uhhhhh not walking back up that". We textededededed Mossy and agreed to meet for a late lunch which was non-greasy salad and a fantastically HUGE cinnamon bun (which I ate the rest of whilst protecting
Steph on the shuttle ride from hell back to the airport). We relaxed and yabbered for hours and discussed Mossy's dirty little secret at great length. The shuttle was a little early (or very late from the last go by) and I got to the airport much earlier than anticipated and was able to get a flight about an hr and half earlier than mine and was home in time for the Amazing Race (faithful viewers know I am addicted).

Aside from meeting Mossy & Penny after YEARS of knowing each other, the other highlight was
spying on Larry who was spying on us. Larry, I hate to disappoint you but there was no topless ironing, no bras & pipe band and it was all purely innocent. Really. ;-)

Well holy crapola

Welcome to week 18.
I've had to weird twinges and almost gas-like bubbles which can either be a bad case of gas or baby movement... I'm hoping for the latter. :-)

And in other interesting blog gossip, Bloggin Bex was outted and a new form of being Dooced. She has resigned, not fired, but I guess karma always comes to those that deserve it. What goes around, comes around.
Cricket and I were discussing this and she will either end up on Jerry Springer or on Larry King Live looking for sympathy... and the other question was.. are we sure the ex wife isn't Tonya Harding? ;-)
Oh and of course in all of the "we were destined to be together" bloggings on her part, was there NEVER a mention that Tanya used to be her best friend. Doing exactly what gives us chicks a bad name.

And in other interesting news, I have spoken to my father. We have agreed to a friendly truce, but he has been warned that if the crap starts, I'm gone.

Oh and a followup to why Nickelback was blowing goats... _apparently_ there was a broken part for something in their setup and they had togo to Best Buy and a get a new one. WHY didn't someone come out and SAY so. They could have done the presentations first while they waited.

Isn't she fantastic?

My dear soul sister Cricket....

I said "baby", "neutral" and "yellow" and look what I got!

Thank you....I love it!


Nickelback blows goats for... you guessd it.. nickels.

Yesterday, the infamous Canadian band Nickelback was doing a promotional 1 day tour across Canada sponsored in part by the lovely airline I work for. They started in Halifax and did a meet and greet at 8am, then off they flew to Toronto where they went to MuchMusic and performed 5 songs, hit an HMV store and did an autograph session and then flew here to Calgary. They were slightly late leaving the Big Smoke (almost an hr) however made up some time in the air and arrived only 25 mins late into Calgary. They arrived at 1745 and they were to perform and do a Q&A session and then head off to the last stop, Vancouver with an engagement at HMV on Robson for 2130 Vancouver time. The scheduled BBQ and performance was due to be over by 1830. Given they were late, even being done by 1900 would not have been too bad. There were to be some presentations and announcements, then a show, Q&A etc...
1915 came and went and they had not even begun the presentations.
1930 arrived and there was rumblings they were going to start...
If they did, I didn't see it. I had to leave.
3 hrs of standing on concrete, the crowd of over 1200 ppl getting very antsy and pushy and me being a) pregnant and b) clausterphobic lead me to leave. That and Rach was home alone and still hadn't eatten dinner.
There was a group of employees who had flown from another city to attend, had had t-shirts made and were hyped about it, had to leave as their flight back was at 1955.
All because Nickelback was tired and was sitting eatting pizza in their dressing room.
Attention Chad Kroeger... THAT IS WHAT BUY ON BOARD IS FOR... dumbass. By the way, fix the alarm system in your house too.

Eviction Notice

This is not really appropriate just yet, so this may get a reposting sometime in early next year... HOWEVER, it was too funny to let it go and not post it now.

"At exactly 30 days from my due date, I'm posting up an eviction notice and attaching it to my belly.
[fill in blank with baby name], will have 30 days in which he/she can either gather his/her belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day. After which, he/she will be physically removed from the property. He/she is being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made. Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure. And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper and lower levels of the home. Any further problems will result in immediate and forceful removal."