Thought provoking..

I thought about all the people that come here to read my thoughts and what could I write that would be thought provoking, interesting and maybe even garner myself international attention... ok well I have that already but anyways...

So I took a trip thru my stat counter and the ways that people get here and thought I'd give some answers to the questions that they use A s k dot com or g o o g l e.

The first to address.. Dr Birch. He didn't perform my c-section but made the decision it should happen and he is a cute British doctor who's wife is a really nice nurse. In my opinion, his decision to give me an emergency c-section was appropriate and justified and I believe he saved my daughter's life with that decision.

Second: amitriptolyne: this is a downer. It is prescribed for many different things including but not limited to: migraines, fibryo myalgia, diabetic neuropathy issues, as well as an anti depressant. I have taken it for migraines when I was a teenager and it has been prescribed for both my parents - my mother for FM and my father for his neuropathy. When you take it 1 hr before bed, you fly as high as a kite and then come crashing down and souuuuund asleep you shall be. However, the lovely side effects for some is that it leaves you feeling hung over. And if you are taking lithium, like my father, then it gives you schitzophrenic episodes.

Third: I'd Stop The World And Melt With You - The song was sung by Modern English and yes, it is being used for a car commercial at the moment in North America. However, if you are looking for the full lyrics, I'd suggest that you use this link.

Fourth: I do not have the entire lyrics for Henry The 8th I Am either, however, I'd try here.

Fifth: I have absolutely no idea if things will work out with your boyfriend, his ex girlfriend, his ex wife or any other possible combination there of, nor do I have any information about your boyfriend being in Kananaskis.

Sixth: Moosimin Saskatchewan - Its a great little town about 20 kms from the Sask-Man border and they have cheap hotels and decent food. I have driven through it twice, stayed there one night. Other than that, I know nothing about it.

Seventh: Nyquil substitute in the UK? Huh? Just be nice to whomever you're talking to about it and send them several litres... its good shit.

Eighth: I guess I should have put the Henry the 8th stuff here, but whatever.. This is probably the strangest and oddly relatively common search... "needtopee" WTF??? I posted this with respect to having to pee badly whilst travelling over Pothole Pass on my way to an ultrasound with several litres of water invading my bladder and presuming female readership with children could relate...however, it has resulted in very strange searching and if you're looking for p .. o... r...n it ain't here.

Ninth: Kyle's Wedding in Edmonton ???????? I don't know Kyle, I didn't know he was getting married and why are you coming from Japan to Edmonton to go to his wedding is beyond me.

Tenth: Calgary Forest Lawn Safe or Scary? - downright fucking scary k? Don't move there, don't even consider it as an option k?

And last but not least, all of the searches relating to sex. I don't have p........o....r...n here, I don't discuss it, I swear and I say sex alot, but guess what, you're in the wrong place.


Bessie is dying a sloooooow painful death. She is 11 years old and has a hard 178,000 on her. But she has been a lemon since day one. I have put 3 sets of tierods, a new head gasket at 64,000, new alternator, new timing belt, the transmission has been slipping since day one, and she needs so much work to pass a safety that it is pointless.

So, now that the check engine light is on 1 week after an oil change that the garage denies caused it (bulllllllllshit) and she's down a litre of oil and isn't burning oil and she's having a rough go of things, it is time to consider Bessie for the retirement home.

Scott is going to change the PVC valve and the spark plugs today and see if that helps with the roughness and the check engine light. If that doesn't work, she's headed to the garage on Monday for an estimate. If the estimate is more than $500, we're not going to do the work. Looking around last night online, I found some decent used cars for under 10 grand with low kms. As much as I want, really want, a brand new with warranty with 0 kms on it, financially its not possible.

So part of me wants the newer car and is hoping that the estimate is more than $500 so I can put Bessie to death (euthanasia to the car!), the other part of me wants it to be a cheap fix and I can get a bit more out of her so that I can get the brand new with warranty with 0kms on it in the nearer future.

On another note, R e v e n u e C a n a d a has decided to audit us again. They've decided that they are going to marry Scott and I because we share a residence. We're appealing again, however with that, they are withholding our C T C and G S T rebates and are causing me no end of stress. I received a copy of what I apparently owe and its already over 3 grand *laugh* and they haven't done the reassessment of our income tax yet. *laugh* I'm looking forward to this. <>

Today is my step dad's birthday and we're having dinner out and we're going to watch my nephew play hockey this afternoon. Presleigh enjoys watching hockey games and watching the puck go zoooooooming by.

On Thursday, it had been a year since Granny was gone. She has been missed dearly and I think of her often.


I Heart Winter

Well now that my ears have been sufficiently rung by being less than 20 feet from Stephen Page and Ed Robertson (I heart them more than winter), and the 90 min drive to get to the Saddledome and the 45 min drive home (I don't heart winter anymore), I have a tale to tell you.

It began this morning with being told that Anna Nicole Smith had died. Oh wait this is going to put my stat counter thru the roof just as posting ONE LINE of lyrics from I'd Stop The World has done. Then it was added with the fact that my mom's friend Linda busted some pedophile web porn ring with the click of her mouse and it ended with me singing "If I had a million dollars" at the top of my lungs along with a bazillion other BNL fans.

I had a contract to do on my way to the concert so I left here at 6 and I was finished my contract by 645... I then proceeded down Memorial Drive and came to a complete standstill at the zoo. I arrived on top of the 4th Ave flyover at 7:09pm... I arrived in my seat at the Saddledome a mere 60 minutes and 12 blocks later. Thankfully there was an opening act and I missed nothing of BNL. I waited til the majority of the crowd had cleared out of the parking lot before I even ventured to wait in line to exit. I pulled out at 11:15pm and arrived home just before midnight.

Did I have fun at the concert? Absolutely! Did I have fun getting there and coming home? No.

Would whoever ordered the snow please cancel their order and take a raincheck? I have a bazillion errands that I have been putting off for 3 days because of the weather and now I neeeeeeeed to do them....thanks, its appreciated.

BNL :-)

Apparently Blogger feels that I should be typing in I am...

I'd like to mention that my tickets for below mentioned concert are...10th row floor :-) Thanks Mom.

Your event is happening soon!
Barenaked Ladies
When: Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:30pm

Where: Pengrowth Saddledome
555 Saddledome Rise S.E.
Calgary, AB T2G 2W1


My baby is a year old today. Growing like a bad weed and currently screaming her head off because she doesn't want to go to bed.

My life is upside down and crazy busy but yet I still seem to be spinning my wheels.

I have been playing with BlogShares.

Its very cool game. Fantasy stock market where your blog is your company and you trade shares and gain worth and value from completing certain tasks and spending money and all the other things you'd do on the stock market. My worth is just over a billion dollars now but frankly I wish it were real.

I've been having a debate about a blog with one of the moderators. Seems my view of zoology differs from his/hers. So that has made the game a little more interesting. I guess a student of zoology that posts photos of their field trips with animals and discusses their field of study without actually saying zoology in each post doesn't qualify as belonging to the zoology industry. Even more so the fact that she is a DOCTOR trying to get published with her thesis in zoology and animal psychology doesn't count either. But nevermind.

I had an interesting note left in Presleigh's guestbook yesterday so I called. Guess that the hint was taken that keeping in contact more is a two sided thing and not just my responsibility.

Anyways, Presleigh has been screaming for over 15 mins, I guess I should rescue her (and my ears).