Will wonders ever cease?
Due to the fact that I have to provide my income tax information to D by June 30th, and there were some other pressing issues I needed to discuss, I finally decided that after 6 months that I ought to place a call. I called the Calgary number to get a recording that says "The number you have received has been changed to.......". So I called. The voicemail recording has TTW's voice and name included. I slap my head and figure ..well I'm sure you can come to your own conclusions.I didn't leave a message and I call back in between the first and second period of the Calgary/Detroit game 4. He answers and I said "D, its Kristin, I have 3 things I need to discuss with you...." and I rhyme them off. After 15 minutes of him egging me on for an argument despite me saying "I did not call to fight or argue" I finally said "We're not going to argue anymore, that isn't why I called." and he finally stopped.We actually had a decent 90 minute conversation which brought him up to date on Miss P and my new car etc etc. And he asks about my car. So I told him about it. He asks then "How's the tires?" I said "Factory, so they're shite, but they'll be fine until fall." He goes off babbling and then says that he is going to get me new tires and a whole bunch of things and just talks...as he does.This morning, most of the conversation forgotten, the phone rings at 1130. "Hi, I need your bank account info. I just got off the phone with B&L and I have your tires ordered and I am going to deposit the money for them in your account and you have to call to set it up for when you can get there." Say what?!? So not truly believing what I'm hearing, I give him my account info again (he has had it in the past to deposit support way back when). He tells me he is headed to the bank and he'll call me later and gives me the deets on who and where and tells me to call him to book it in.So I call, I get an appointment for tomorrow (Saturday) and I check my account 15 minutes later and lo and behold, there is $630 deposited into my account for the tires.I called him back to thank him for that and that I had an appointment for tomorrow. He is genuine and sincere. I have made tentative arrangements for Miss P and I to fly up to Buttfuck Alberta in about 10 days or so to see him for the day - fly in and fly out same day. He has made the effort and in his words, thrown me a bone. So I have to extend my hand back and attempt to do this civilly. We had a decent conversation, but it will be one day at a time.My mother and I are not seeing eye to eye on this. She seems to think that I am going to get suckered or that something is going to fail. Even if we cant fly in and out on the same day and have to spend the night, I will ensure that things are booked and paid for before we get there (its very difficult to find accomodations in Buttfuck at the moment due to the booming economy there) and I am not going to go in blindly. But anyways... wonders haven't ceased yet.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and survivors of the senseless tragedy in Virginia today. Please light a candle, virtual or otherwise, in memorial of those that passed.
Q is for...
... the Queen. I watched this movie online about 6 weeks ago and whilst I liked it ok, and I like Helen Mirren, I am not sure why she won an Oscar for this performance. Playing a snobby Bri tish woman is pretty easy imnsho. I much preferred her in Calendar Girls. Q is for Quebec. I used to ski at Mte Tremblant and Mte Ste Marie and Mte Ste Anne in high school, but its been awhile since I've mountain crashed anywhere. I would like to go to C arnivale in Quebec City sometime though. I do remember my Granny taking us to Gatineau when we were little during the maple syrup run and making maple taffy on the snow. Apparently they don't do that much anymore. When I was visiting over March break in 2005, I had wanted to take the girls and Granny out to a maple syrup farm to do this, but I couldn't find one that still allowed you to come in and do it. *shrug*Q is for Queer as Folk... I loved this show... one of the people I used to work with at Always Done Twice was on this show. It is also for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy... I never really did get into this one...Q is for quickie... sometimes good, sometimes not so good...Q is for quit. Which I apparently can't do. No one likes a quitter!Q is for je ne sais quoi... and tabernacle and merde and other various french swear words that I can come out with.
P is for...
P is for plagerism... don't steal someone's words and not give them credit.. that just sucks.P is for pissed off. Which I am.
My blogger friend, Erin, (http://jesuswasnotarepublican.blogspot.com), is in the process of adopting her beautiful little Miss A from Guatamala, and is having one helluva time with PGN. PGN is a process that they go through to sign off on adoptions. It can be a short or a very long process depending on the situation. In this particular case, they are having issues with the mayor signing off because the previous administration is the one that made the law about having the signature and this mayor doesn't feel that its his responsibility/right to sign off on the previous administrations decision. So they've been told, now that Erin is living in Guatamala with her little miss, that it will be at least 6 months. They don't have the financial means to do this for that long without it causing many hair pulling/hair falling out/sleepless nights and Erin has to go back to work at the beginning of June. Because, when they planned this, it was a couple of months tops. I want to help them. But I can't do it by myself. So I am calling on Blogosphere... even if you don't have a blog, even if you just came by here by mistake...I'd like to steal Tertia's idea and that for each $5 donation, it is an entry into a raffle. The contents of the prize basket will be Canadian things. I have several methods in which those that would like to help, can. All monies collected will be sent to Erin & John to help with expenses during this trying time. Paypal, Hyperwallet, email Money transfers (Canadian only) or plain ole ordinary snail mail to me. (email me for my address)My email address for all of the above is: alloneword at shaw dot ca . If you choose the email Money Transfer, please email me the security question and answer in a separate email so that I can transfer the funds appropriately. I will transfer all funds into the paypal account and I will absorb the fees and transfer it to Erin and John. I'd like cut off for this to be April 30th please.P is for Prizes... I will attempt to make this of truly Canadian things.P is also posting... I need to be more frequent.
P is for my princess P resleigh.