Its been awhile...

I haven't had anything and I mean anything nice to post.

Devin is spiralling downwards and I hope he hits rock bottom before long. I can't figure out if he is trying to run away or what is going on. This new girl has made it worse and worse and worse despite her being "understanding".

I left him a letter that basically told him that I had 3 expectations of him and that if he chose not to follow through with them, there were consequences and the most important one was sobriety.

He has been gone since yesterday and I doubt he'll come back any time soon. He said he as going to visit a friend out of town, but with all the lies, I don't believe him.

Anyways, I have nothing new to report other than my bladder infection is NOT gone so Im back on the antibiotics..again.

"Its been awhile since I've gone and fucked things up just like I always do..." Staind