Tragically the norm...

I have always got something to say to someone... not smart assed or anything, just... I can talk....alot. It is one of those gemini traits that I was blessed with. I used to be called GabbyGuts when I was a kid... not much has changed.


Today, I only have one short bit of entertainment for you...

You know those lazy days when you stay in your jammies or sweats all day? If you go to the store you throw the biggest coat on so no one can see that you've got 8 different colours of stains on the front of your biggest sweatshirt that you can pull your knees inside of? That was today... lazy assed do nothing lay in bed and watch tv because its too damn cold out to go shopping kinda days. I did go to the store... no bra, baggy sweats and a sweater and a big coat done up.

I am NOT the kind of girl that can get away with going into a public place and removing said coat and not be wearing a bra. Mom and I were going out this evening, I throw on a pair of Old Navy nylon pants instead of the sweats and off I go. I warm up the car and am sitting there and realize as I am about to pull away that I am not wearing a bra... I waffle... do I or don't I? Ah shit, I have to.

I was so comfortable in what I was wearing that avoiding the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder almost happened. I can't imagine who wouldn't have noticed... However, luckily for everyone, I came in and put one on.

And now I sit here and there is some loud freakin movie on downstairs, kids are yelling and I am going to go ditch the bra....