Happy New Year!!!

Well the New Year is about 2 1/4 hrs old as I start this... and already eventful....

I spent New Year's Eve with Devin's ex wife, the man she left Devin for, Devin's sister and one of their friends. Yes what an amazing circle of people I have seemingly fallen into....

I was supposed to go to Devin's and watch movies and hang out with him, but he decided not to answer the phone so I said fuck it, and went out.

Christmas was nice... family stuff. Spoiled children as always. Uneventful.

I have been so sick this month... I hope I can shake whatever it is that I seem to be coming down with now.

Im absolutely exhausted, its been the worst weather week forever, and I am going to go hibernate.

Everyone else seems to have mentioned the catastrophe in Asia, so I will just point you to Waiter and Avatar, they have tonnes of links to assist with donations. Thanks guys, saves me typing. Ya Im a lazy ass.

Happy Holidays all and the merriest of the new year.