Adobe means broken in Swahili

I had a registered version of 6.0 Acrobat Standard... when I got my new harddrive in June, it wouldn't Ghost over for some weird reason. So I was awaiting a new install of 6... I didn't really need it as I'd taken to not reading non essential PDF files until the forms came for booking my holidays for next year at work. After an arguement or 5 with trying to transfer files thru the network just to read what I already knew, I downloaded the trial of 7.0. It did what I needed it to do until my Geek(tm) came home and could give me 6 again. When he installed 6 it somehow registered 7.0 or at least it appeared to. Then suddenly last week it ceased to work again. So I suspect it wasn't really registered and I had non functioning crippleware again.

So I uninstalled everything... 6, 7 and the 7.1 that I had tried to install as well as now we we were back at essential reading and a slow transfer on the network that annoyed me.

I reinstalled 6 after I deleted everything from all previous installs and trials including cleaning up the registry and there wasn't a trace of Swahili in this machine.

I install 6.0 standard again.

I open the first PDF - "Unable to open application, if this error persists, please contact the vendor." ARRRRRRRRRRRGH

So after 3 days of fighting with it and having had to use the SLOW transfer on the network, I tell the Geek that this isn't fucking working and I'm getting pissed off and it had better be a damn good reason why. There was a few more swear words in there but you get the gist.

Why wasn't it working? I don't know. He checked some of the properties and clicked a few things here and there and in 30 seconds it was working.
I just said "I don't want to know, but if it stops working when I sit down, you're going to sit here and read me what it is that these files say in perfect Bantu."

Its still working this morning. I'll keep you posted if it fails again.