
I have done some heavy ranting the past few days and for those that have trudged through it - thank you.. for the rest of ya, fuck ya.
I've been pretty sick on and off for a month now and I really really realllllllllly would like to not be. I am feeling better but I still sound like the GodFather.
My friend called the night before last and thought she had the wrong number and hung up... thats how bad I sound. Although to the untrained ear, it is a very sexy sorta voice.

I already have a fairly husky voice and get told quite often that its very sexy...
I have spent a fair amount of this time that I would otherwise be spending at work, trolling through blogs of various nature aside from my growing list of daily reads. Its been an interesting journey and nice to see that I am not alone.

I had a very strange conversation with a friend of mine today about convenience fucks and how long can you let them go on and can you really really do it without emotion. He was apparently propositioned by a close friend and thought she was joking and she was very serious and he declined. He wants to make sure she's ok.... I suggested waiting a couple of days because she's going to be on the defensive cause man, we women do NOT like rejection. You guys think its so damn easy for us women to get laid whenever we want... PULEASE. It aint that easy.
But we discussed the whole convenience thing quite rationally besides outbursts from me about men being like faucets...
I am not a Julia Roberts fan, but like her character in Pretty Woman... you want no emotion, then no kissing. Want me to melt into a puddle, kiss me but good and you're in like flynn. He didn't get it.
*throwing up my hands* Men.