
Well, I always find new blogs when I read comments posted on the various ones I visit daily and have found a new one to add... Average Joe And in trolling back through his archives just to find out who Joe really was, I came across an interesting list that I am going to steal (I came across alot of things that made me laugh, however the list thing is a go).

Anyone that reads here regularly has had tidbits of my life... So here are 100 things (and like AJ I may not get there, but going to try) that you may or may not know about me...

1. I am 34
2. I am still legally married, although I can file for abandonment of the marriage since we have been legally separated for 8 yrs.
3. My ex husband is one of my best friends
4. I have two tattoos - Taz and a Gemini symbol
5. I have my belly button pierced
6. I have very nerdy black rimmed glasses
7. I have been pregnant twice
8. I work for an airline, but I am not a flight attendant
9. I once worked as a phone sex operator and made very very good money
10. I still want to be a lawyer
11. I have a degree in education
12. Prior to working for an airline, I worked for an alarm company providing technical support and emotional support for the perputally paranoid women at 3am because their alarm went off for "no reason".
13. I have never had a gspot orgasm
14. I have had several MMF and FFM three-somes
15. In university, I lived in a D&S lifestyle as a submissive for nearly a year.
16. I am far too independant to live that as a lifestyle but as a game, bring it on
17. I lost my virginity at 15... his name was the same as a former US president.
18. I have been in two car accidents where I have been driving...the first I was hit by a drunk driver, the second, 16 yrs later, I rear ended an off duty cop in uniform... couldn't decide if I should drool or cry.
19. I drive a piece of shit Ford Escort
20. I haven't spoken to my father, save for the neccessity call in October 2004, since 2001. And that is quite ok with me
21. I have no "full blood" siblings, I do however, have 9 half siblings from various marriages/relationships.
22. I masturbate once a day unless I'm getting some
23. I have a cat McCoy and a fish Dory - well ok, our zoo does
24. I have a secret wish to be on some sort of reality show
25. I am going back to blue hair next week
26. I was sexually abused by my bus driver when I was in elementary school and had repressed it until he died about 5 yrs ago...therapy is a good thing baby
27. If I wear underwear, its a thong
28. If I have money in my wallet, it burns a hole and I must spend it. I am horrible at saving it.
29. I sold all of my possessions except my house to go to England to be with my "other shoe"
30. I am a geek. I know what an ASCII BBS is, what telnet is, how to use it and more importantly, I have a C64 that still works and I play Maniac Mansion on it
31. I have had a new credit card for a month now and have only used it to buy $300 worth of groceries... this is a record for me ...see #28
32. I saw Cher in concert and I liked it ..shhhhhhh
33. I have had sex outdoors
34. I have broken furniture more than once, having sex
35. I hate oysters
36. My ex husband proposed in a shopping mall parking lot 3 mins after we picked out my ring
37. Two people that I have had sex with are cross dressers
38. I only own one vibrator and a set of handcuffs...shocking innit?
39. I am extrodinarily loud during sex
40. I have been caught having sex more than once
41. I am a rampant fan of The Amazing Race
42. I have every song Matchbox20 has recorded, legal or otherwise...
43. I think Jack Nicholson is sexy in a very bizarre sorta way... he's older than my father..
44. 9 yrs younger than I am is the youngest I have ever had sex with
45. 15 yrs older than I am is the oldest
46. I once turned a turkey into ash because I didn't realize that the latch on the oven locked the self cleaning process and I could not turn it off until it had reached temperature and then cooled off... ask me sometime about the insurance tab on that
47. I locked my sister in the outhouse on the farm when I was 12 because she was pestering me
48. My father physically assaulted me when I was a teenager
49. My brother J, is a karate champion, on the Canadian National team and is #1 in the world for his weight class in kata and #2 for sparring
50. I am an internet junkie having been online since ASCII BBSs with a handset modem at 9600baud and thought it was cool when we went to 14400
51. My computer is currently a bastardization of windblowz and various other things, has no modem and there is enough cable running my internal network that you can hang yourself quite nicely
52. I am distancely and geographically challenged. I can get lost in a round room
53. My favourite colour is dark hunter green
54. I am a sentimental cow
55. I do not like blonde men
56. I have been with another woman and would do it again if the situation was 'right'
57. I want to quit smoking, but my willpower sucks... the patch makes my heart race and Zyban makes me more psycho than I already am... we can't have that
58. I work with some very beautiful men that I see at company functions and I wouldn't kick any of them outta bed for eating crackers
59. I fantasize about Mel Gibson
60. I also have strange fantasies about a store in the UK - Tesco - there is nothing that compares... ok well there sorta is, but its the whole UK thing thrown in
61. I create amazing circles of friends and they all become this circle and then I find myself fustrated with it and step out of the circle
62. I have very few women friends because I can't deal with high maintence women and if I say I will call later, if I don't.. shit happens, grab a deep breath, it is not a personal affront... life happened or maybe I just didn't want to talk to anyone... get over it
63. I love Celtic music
64. I love Newfies and their mentality ... laid back, relaxed and just get on with it
65. I miss the leaves changing colour in the fall and the maple syrup run in the spring in Ontario
66. I do not miss the humidity of Ontario
67. I have large breasts
68. I have no fetishes and despise my toes being sucked on *shudder*
69. In a 69, I have to be on the bottom or I do not achieve orgasm
70. I have purchased porn
71. On a man, the first two things I look at are eyes and hands. (no, not for the wedding band, I like big hands)
72. I love road trips despite working for an airline, driving across Canada was amazing.. not something I'd do again as lone driver...but awesome none the less
73. My first cat, Chris-cat, ran away because I took him outside and the dog, Brandy, chased him away
74. My next cat, Patches, ate a piece of glass and died. Her replacement, Marmalade, died of pneumonia, then Fluffy had to be put down at the ripe age of 15. Webster was put down at 10 because he was sick... now McCoy at the ripe age of 20... eep
75. I am tempted... very tempted.. to poison my neighbour's dog Rex. If the goddamn thing does not stop fucking barking right his second, I will..I swear
76. U2 is my ultimate favourite band
77. I would love to sit and have lunch (and other things) with Bono and pick his brain...
78. I want to go to Russia for holidays for at least a month
79. I spent a week in Greece and didn't once venture out and do anything remotely touristy.. I lived in a village with my girlfriend and just vegged and lived and it was the best vacation ever
80. In Grade 8, I thought Boy George was the shit man
81. I dressed up as Mimi from Drew Carey for Hallowe'en and won many prizes for this very scary similarity
82. I raced skiing in highschool and crashed n burned badly in Grade 12 and now I live in the Rockies and the chair lifts give me vertigo and I'm such a chicken shit
83. I have every Terry Pratchett, however, have only read about 12 of them
84. I am a speed reader, can read a 300 page novel in about 2 hrs...very expensive hobby
85. I lied about the fetish thing.. I have a car fetish. Fine expensive sports cars... my dream car is a 2000 Lotus Elise..if only Transport Canada would let me import from the UK. The US edition is as ugly as sin
86. This airline is the best place I have ever worked and I cannot understand what took me so long to get here. It is one of the top 10 places in Canada to work
87. The worst job I had was reception for a shipping company that was closed by the sheriff two days after I started
88. This is my favourite number
89. I have a cd full of "shagging tunes" with songs like Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb, U2 One and With or Without You...
90. 9 1/2 Weeks is one of my favourite movies, however, I have yet to see it in completion...I get err distracted
91. As Good As It Gets is my alltime favourite
92. As much as I pretend to be a rebel, I really am a goody-two shoes with respect to being polite and consciencious and do my best not to hurt people's feelings
93. I have been a practising nudist since 1990 and loathe clothes
94. I hate socks and shoes just as much..if I could be nekkid and barefoot my entire life, I would
95. If I ever get married again (or even a long term eternally sinning relationship), I would like a white gold band with the words "One ring..." inscribed inside
96. I was fairly promiscious when I was a teenager/early 20s
97. I have never had a sexually transmitted disease
99. I could care less about shaven/unshaven/waxed/trimmed.. thats up to my partner... so if you want shaven, here is the shaving creme and a razor..cut me and you're cut off
100. I am amazed I made it to 100 trivial facts that have taken up alot of space on my blog and that will give Chaz more reading and the final thing is actually not a trivial fact about me...
Here is the question...

If you had to give up everything sexual (not positions, but acts such as giving head, getting head, giving cunnilingus, receiving..etc etc etc) except for one thing, what would you KEEP?
I will answer later...