Its been a week...

Today I had OT and PT with Presleigh at Children's, however her PT hurt her back - I'm not sure if this is a good sign or not... When your physical therapist hurts her back lifting her son... I dunno..

We're doing better with the food issues. Clare agrees that it appears to be a texture issue, so its going to be alot of experimentation with what works and what doesn't. Wish us luck with that.

I'm trying to convince other people in this house that we need to get another cat before Ecetera drives me bonkers. He was obviously part of a litter and came from that to our house with another cat and now he's lonely. He follows me everywhere all day. If I go upstairs to change Presleigh or do something for the girls or whatever, he will race from whereever he is and fall UP the stairs he's running so fast. I've never seen a cat fall UP the stairs, but one of these days I hope to catch it on video as its freakin hilarious.

Anyways, not much to say other than I hate being Im off to bed.