
For the hundred million bazillionth time I have strep. Presleigh is sick. I hate being sick. Blanket over my head would be great except that I keep coughing and it keeps waking me up.

My blood pressure is through the roof again, so I'm back on meds. Great. Looking forward to that. I took the first dose last night.. it kept me up half the night - it felt like my veins were jumping. I ended up sleeping on the couch because if my legs were up higher than my chest, the veins in my legs didn't jump. So I took todays dose earlier in the day with hopes that it doesn't do the same far so good ... well at least the veins arent jumping that I can feel right now.

I went out with friends tonight.. every one of them let me down. I gotta stop putting so much faith in people. One bailed early because of work in the morning (you knew we'd be out late, why commit?), one faked sick (we were fine earlier, why not cancel if you were feeling that bad) and one faked a text message to go get one of their kids. Am I so horrible to be around? Why commit if you don't want to... *mutter* Before I get a trillion comments about this drivel, I will clarify further... I'm just feeling blah cause I'm sick, I know that this isn't how they feel, I just am feeling rather let down because I don't get to escape very often and when I do and you bail out on me, I just feel ..I dunno.... used isnt the word, but ..unworthy. I'm not negative, and I'd like to think I can provide a good laugh even AT my expense, and its pretty easy to get me to smile. *shrug* maybe its the drugs talking... come on Advil*, sock it to me.

* I'd take Aleve, but it messes with my blood pressure meds *sob*