B is for Baby

My beautiful babies... they are growing up so fast. School, activities, now being healthy and safe, growing up right before my eyes.

Sometimes I resent being a single mom. I resent the fact that promises made are broken, I resent being treated with another b word, bad behaviour... and I resent those that don't want part of their children's lives. Financially its a struggle, but somehow I manage to make it work.

But on the other hand, I love it. It is up to me and only me.

B is also for as mentioned, bad behaviour. In recent months I have come to peace with my life and where I'm at in it. But I simply refuse to tolerate crap anymore from anyone. Don't make me promises you can't keep, don't tell me you're going to do x and not even make an effort.

B is also for boys... they suck :-)