Emergency Room conversations with Cricket..

In order to help Cricket pass the time while waiting to be inspected for some evil spider bite, the crackberry helped pass the time and I think this spider bite affected more than just her histimines...

Cricket : Speaking of weird, a nurse just came 2 me n said, they're getting ur pprwk ready to go home! I blinked...I haven't been seen yet....ohhhhh!

Me: What did she say to that?

Cricket: "Ohhhhhh" and trundled off again she came back n sed another 20 minutes

Me: We'll keep an eye on that 20 minutes.

[ completely unrelated conversation]

Cricket: aha

Cricket: aha

Me: [something related to above unrelated conversation]

Cricket: aha

Me: you're aha'ing alot hon, are you ok? lol

Cricket: Aha? Don't 'member

Me: you said aha 3 times

Cricket: Only ahad once here

I can only hope the doctor can save her in time ;-)