
Misses Presleigh has been Misses Grumpy Pants the past two nights. She is bound and determined not to go to sleep...ever. We started this at 10pm...its after 1 now and we're still screeching our head off - I have cuddled, cajoled, wiggled, walked, rocked, shhhhhh'd, tried bottle, tried pacifer, tried the car and I'm now almost asleep and the second shift of walking, cuddling, cajoling, wiggling, rocking crew has taken over to assist (more because he needs sleep and can't sleep with her crying). I strongly suspect she's hungry but she's got herself so worked up that she's choking on it and pushes it away.

Time of death to momma: 12:43am
Time of sleep for Presleigh: 1:23am
Time of wake up... god I hope its going to be after 10am...